Pan & Peel Cleaning Systems
EquipmentOur Pan & Peel Cleaning Systems are designed based on your needs including the addition of brushes and rubber scrapers.
Campbell Systems Peel Board Cleaner is used for Bagel and Hearth Bread systems using Plastic and Wooden Peels. Our system features a split leg vacuum hood above the peel as well as a dual vacuum nozzle below the peel to clean the bottoms. We design our systems based on your needs including the addition of brushes and rubber scrapers.
Typically peel boards are pre-dusted with flour and/or cornmeal for product release and artisan characteristics. CSI powered brush “cleaners” feature an integral collection hood to limit the buildup of product and dust on the board, and more importantly, prevent surplus dust from being expelled into the production environment downstream of the TOL during conveying or stacking.
Our Pan Cleaning Vacuum nozzle and cyclone is a small customizable system that is built to suit your conveyor height and elevation. Our system is easy to install over your existing conveyors and typically requires no conveyor modifications. Our cantilevered collection hood provides a high CFM extraction of debris within a pan for the collection of loose debris in the pans. Our hoods are also equipped with a compressed air nozzle to loosen debris for extraction. All debris is transferred to a nearby collection barrell under the cyclone.